According to a report by Mostazafeen Tribune, Justice Seekers without Borders, in a letter to Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General, on the eve of his visiting to Tehran, called for Mr. Moon to grasp the opportunity to visit Tehran and explore the culture and civilization of the people of Iran. This NGO also petitioned the Secretary General to abort the measures taken against Iran in the form of harsh and illegitimate sanctions and save UN’s independence vis a vis the international dominance order.
Now, the full text of the letter:
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Dear Mr. Ban Ki Moon,
Secretary General of the United Nations,
With High Regards,
This letter was inspired by your attendance to the Non-Aligned Movement Members’ Summit in Tehran. We hope that this letter and your visit of Iran help you understand the problems and issues better and help you attain a more realistic view of the events. Appreciate the opportunity to visit Iran and its people, Islamic-Iranian state and civilization, and explore it as closely as possible.
Mr. Ban Ki Moon,
As you may know, Islamic Republic of Iran has been based on the pivots of independence, liberty and Islamic Sharia. During three decades of its lifetime, much enmity has been launched by imperialist states against Iranian nation. These enmities have been of protean nature, assuming many shapes during 30 years of Revolution. 8 years of imposed war by Iraq, then fully supported by the majority of eastern and western Blocks; terrorist groups supported by intelligence services of the western powers committed many crimes against Iran, killing many innocent people; downing the Iranian passenger jet by the US warship in 1989 which resulted in death of more than 300 civilians; all-out sanctions, either economic, or scientific and technological, with the aim of barring Iran from the path to advancement; and recent terror killings of Iranian scientists and academic figures who was the country’s social capitals and many more cases out of the scope of this short letter.
We address you because of your position. You are responsible for an organization with the mission of saving global security and improving of the lives of people. You must be well aware of the events taking place in the world; know well the scope of oppression afflicted by some countries on other countries. You cannot be indifferent to these events.
In this letter, we focus on some oppressions of great scope by which great powers afflict our nation. Unfortunately, international entities like your fellow organization have been plaything to such countries.
1. Scientific Terrorism
In recent years, and with informational and intelligence support of countries like Britain, US, France and Israel, a number of the best men of this nation have been martyred. This kind of terrorism has reached dangerous dimensions, and if not duly considered by the UN, could inflict even more danger and hate. The measure of physical immolation of elites and scientists to achieve political objectives is evidence of the depth of frustration by a country. Unfortunately, neither United Nations nor other international organizations did properly in response to the killings. The question is that would not you think that these terror killings threaten the global peace? Why did not you respond to such heinous acts, while in cases much lower in terms of scope and importance, you have reacted seriously? While Iran is greatest victim of terrorism with more than 15000 dead, international organizations have kept silence. And this is of course is the irony of the time that Iran has been a supporter of terrorism!
2. Human Rights
One year passed since the introduction of special reporter of human rights situation in Iran. Ahmad Shahid has published many reports since, but unfortunately, they all have been biased. He has ignored the reports from insiders and independent groups in Iran and has yielded himself to groups with the obvious record of enmity and crime against Iran. MEK, truly entitled as monafeqin (hypocrites), has succeeded to winning the heart and mind of Mr. Shahid and controlled him in the service of their own interest. Definitely, his reports has not based on ethical and legal principles, but on the par with political interests of groups and countries with enmity to Islamic Republic of Iran. This has distorted the real image of the UN on the eyes of public in Iran, and it seems that achieving any improvement of the situation would be quite difficult for you.
3. Illegitimate Sanctions
During recent years, US has exploited all the possibilities to thwart, in form of sanctions in the framework of UN and unilateral sanctions, all attempts by Iranian nation in the way of independence. If in the past, it was thought that sanctions would change Iran’s behavior, in recent months, US officials have announced that sanctions have targeted the common people. Is not this against the UN charter? Should not the UN react to pressures against a nation? Iranian people see clearly that the UN has been a puppet in the puppet show acted by great powers, and obviously does not have any independence and effect. Many example of this can be cited. Despite the fact that many legal experts deemed sanctions illegitimate by international standards; the UN has not yet attempted to abort them. This is truly unfortunate.
4. Events of the Region
As Secretary General of the United Nations, how would you justify the UN position toward the Bahraini and Syrian conflicts? Oppressed Bahraini people are demanding their fundamental rights of setting their own destiny. Harsh crackdown by Bahraini government and also foreign military interference condemned by UN charter, suppressed the people’s movement. In this case, the UN has not done anything effective in diminishing violence and/or military interference of Saudi Arabia in Bahrain. In Syria, meetings were held with the smallest events, and even you, have taken serious position in this case. The question is that why to behave like that? Is it not the case that UN’s code of behavior is not its principles and objectives, but interests and will of great powers and especially those of U.S.?
Mr. Ban Ki Moon,
We think that it would be better for you to review the recent events. Why some third parties are not happy and do not want your close relations to Iran? May it not be an insult to you and your position and will? We think that your prime duty is to think and act independently. This necessitates more effective interactions with nations of different countries. It would be deemed unfortunate that some nations see you as someone in their own service and not someone with free spirit and will.
We call for you to visit Iran in the absence of media propaganda of the great powers and without open eyes to see the realities of Iran. We hope that your mentality will definitely change and this, in turn, will improve your independence in taking important decisions.
Justice Seekers without Borders
August 2012
nice act
i’ve posted the following comment to an article in TIME magazine which was about iran’s nuclear program and other issues
this is the link:
**take a look, nice comments has been posted there**
you said western world believes iran’s nuclear program is a quest for weapons.
let’s assume that you and western governments (which you recognize them as international community) are right and iran is after nuclear weapons, Although ayatollah khamenei (leader of the islamic revolution) said that nuclear weapons and all kind of mass destruction weapons are against islamic sharia because they destroy future generations and the nature and muslims are not allowed to destroy them even in a war.
now lets answer these questions?
– which country in the world has about 10000 nuclear warheads (many of them ready for lunch) and it also has a dark history of using such weapons against civilians? which country in the world had gone in to war with different countries such as iraq and else against the will of international community and UN and even its own people?
according to what kind of principles, certain countries, mainly united states of america( which is the biggest threat for international peace and nation’s independence) has the right to have any kind of mass destruction weapons?! have they proved their responsibility for world peace?! or what ever they have done were against the world peace?!
– daily,iran is being threatened by rootless and ruthless israeli regime although that criminal regime has not been an NPT member and doesn’t give a damn to world’s historic will for stopping govermental terrorist and racist acts against civilians. this regime has stored about 200 nuclear warheads and no one in IAEA an UN even dares to ask israel for simple inspection on it’s nuclear program.
in this situation US and some of its europian allies have put sanctions against iranian people and support israel for its terrorist acts against iran nuclear scientist. do you really believe that iranian honored nation would give dame to these sanctions.
the fall of your criminal empire is near. american and european people have lost their belives in their governments and have seen the effect of 1%(we call it zionist network) in their life. your governments should learn to respect other nation’s independence and will for progress.